Saturday, 21 July 2012

Krispy Kremes: Birstall, Leeds

Ever since my exchange to UGA near Atlanta Georgia I have loved these babies. My roomate's family took me here and we got a dozen glazed and I fell it love with the sugary sweetness. They were nothing like the sugared jam donuts that I knew from kids parties where we had to compete not to lick our lips.
The fun thing about KK is that when the light is on you can get a free hot one straight off the conveyor belt. In the bigger stores they have a big window where you can see them making the donuts and follow the process - which is cool for little and big kids. They have a huge range of flavours and often seasonal specialities - like Sundaes for summer. This is good as there is always something new to try.
On this visit we got a great deal of a four donuts and summer smoothy for around £10 - I think it was less. I had a mango cooler and it was refreshing and not too sweet - so a nice contrast to the donuts. On the donut front he had a plain (as he's vanilla kinda guy) and a lemon meringue pie which I thought looked very tasty and he confirmed it was - nice and tangy with that meringuey crunch on top. I went for my usual the sprinkles and then tried the millinaire shortbread which had a delicious caramel centre and was generously topped with dark chocolate glaze and nuggets of shortbread. I would highly recommend it.

  • Great for a snack when out shopping in Birstall
  • They have drive-through if you are just out cruising and want something sweet
  • They do seasonal specials and are always revising their menus
  • If you go when the light is on you get a freeby